Tuesday, September 1, 2009

This Blog and VATSIM

I have decided to put up a location that people on VATSIM can speak out, either named, OR ANONYMOUSLY without fear of retribution, editing, or control from the management members at VATSIM, most notably the Board of Governors. This blog will be lightly moderated, as you have the right and freedom to speak your piece. Bear in mind that you are responsible for what you write.

To be submitted anonymously, you must submit the post to me, with your name, and it will go up without your name on it. I intend to make this a blog that will maintain relevance based on factual events, not based on having an axe to grind.

I maintain that the system at VATSIM is irreparably broken and needs to be overhauled in order to save this wonderful organization. I believe that it is better to die fighting than down on my knees. I have a voice, a right to use it, and a desire to see VATSIM saved from the culture of ambivalence, narcissism, and self-importance.

I hope that you find this blog informative, helpful and useful. Most of all, I hope that with enough un-filtered information from the members of this organization to the Founders, that we can get this organization back on its feet, and back in the right direction.

To submit postings, please click "View my complete profile" and email me the submission. All information will be verified for objectivity and relevance.


  1. Gary Millsaps is the new yet old VATUSA1, maybe he'll last more than 4 months this time and not cause half the division to quit.

  2. Yeah he might last more than 4 months because he will bend over for the BoG, and nothing will get done. These guys hire pawns and "yes men". VATUSA will be going back to closed door meetings, Gary's cabal, and scotch-inspired cussing/rants that he doesn't own up to publicly. I feel bad for the staff of VATUSA who will have their hands tied and not be able to complete their duties. Good luck!

    I find it funny that Gary quit because he simply wouldn't work for Bryan, yet when the self-serving attitude shifts in another direction you now have Gary wanting to work for Bryan. VATSIM is quite the soap opera, lol.

  3. You gotta be f'ing kidding me.

    And the wheels on the bus go......

  4. So Bo why aren't you being all vocal about the new VATUSA1?

  5. Funny how a year later, Gary has gone to zil communication, isn't replacing staff, etc. sounds like we got a winner.
