Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A cert file entry and what it is.

As a result of my comment in the VATSIM forum where I said:

"Really? Two forums that are more monitored and censored than an Al Quaeda information website and we're going to implement yet another communication tool?

How about we find ONE medium, generate some sound discussion about the direction of VATUSA and actually use it to right this sinking ship?"

Jeff Turner, who is also a Supervisor, on the network, yet hold no authority in any capacity within the forums made an entry into my Cert File alleging "possible connections with a terrorist organization which should be investigated."

What exactly is a Cert File? Well, it's a secret dossier that VATSIM keeps on all its members. You will not be notified if there is an entry put into this file, yet it is what VATSIM uses to keeps tabs on its members behavior. Yes, I know. You never consented to this file being held on you, and this file is never mentioned when you sign up for an account.


  1. VATSIM Privacy Policy, read it.

  2. Let me guess, Ron Lemke sharing confidential information of VATSIM internal operations with outsiders? Go figure, what a complete disgrace to VATSIM. Quit flashing the Founder card and actually hold true to the goals of the network, Ron.

  3. Didn't come from Ron. Don't assume. You know you can come to me directly and I'll be up front about something. ;)

  4. If VATSIM wants to have a file on everyone on the network then so be it!

  5. Even the Government allows you to see your "CERT" or Criminal History.

  6. Maybe Ron is starting to see what it is like to be on the front lines, and is seeing how the staff members aren't really getting the fair end of the stick

  7. Ron is more of the example of a staff member not giving the controllers the fair end of the stick. He is out to better himself and prove a point. He wants to demonstrate how Roland Collins needs to be fired from the BoG. Then will go flex his Founder muscle to the 14 year old kids who see him as a celebrity. Get a life Ron.

  8. Boy that description is of a DATM in VATUSA, sure is flexing his muscle. If he was flexing his muscle wouldn't he be somewhere else?

  9. DATM? THAT is only a small part of it. Ron is one of the FOUNDERS of VATSIM. Be some where else? He IS where he wants to be, for now. As a Founder AND VATUSA staff member he has the best of both worlds. He can do the behind the scene things a Founder does AND have daily contact (or as often as he wishes) with members of VATUSA and be a part of the daily workings of an ARTCC. He does not need to be somewhere else. He is in the position that NO one can get rid of him. If you were hired as ATM of ZAU, would you attempt to fire a Founder? You would not even get that chance.............If you only knew......

  10. Don't get all defensive, I understand he is a founder and was making the comment that if he was truly flexing his founder muscle he could go anywhere he wants. Trust me I know. I think that Ron is an example of what the founders should be doing.

  11. Yes, Founders should stay involved but...

    Founders should NOT:
    - Share private information with those who don't need to know it.
    - Tell people he doesn't like BoG members such as Roland Collins, Norman Blackburn, and Michal Zazula.
    - Start rumors and spread lies regarding issues with David Klain and VATSIM finances.

    Just to name a few. The Founders need to take notice of his actions and keep him on a tighter leash.

  12. The two Founders I have spoken with say Ron is an embarrassment and they wish he would go away. He struts his Founder card in front of a bunch of kids who make him feel all puffed up and important. In reality, he is an old man who is the greatest person he has ever met.

  13. If Ron goes away, so does VATSIM... he will sue, and since he owns a stake in VATSIM, any lawsuit from a founder will be a .kill for the network.... not that he dosen't abuse that command anyways.

  14. I like how Ron got away with SUSPENDING a VATSIM member who was talking in a teamspeak server and didn't actually say anything bad, just his opinion. Someone needs to get rid of this idiot before he ruins anyone else's enjoyment of the network.

    I can't believe the Founders continue to sit back and watch as one of their own continues to act like he owns the world.

  15. Very interesting post by VATUSA's dictator yesterday regarding "VATUSA Staff Changes" Again, NO ONE is question Andrew. Anyone who knows Andrew already knew he was NOT going to allow there to be a Deputy Director if he could help it. He wants NO one close to him to monitor what he does behind the scenes. I do not understand no one questioning what Andrew does. On not doing away with ATD's. Andrew is downright lying. Period. This has been discussed all the way back to at least when Millsaps was director. Alex was AT LEAST honest in saying those above him want this to happen. Just wait until after the first of the year and see what happens. Seems most are drinking the kool-aid Director Podner is selling. But for how long??

  16. Discussions are one thing, resolutions are another. As for him not wanting people close too him, I find that comment rediculous. I communicate with podner multiple times daily and can promise you he does the same to his staff and anyone else who has the desire too come on teamspeak. What need is there for a deputy director when all the responsabilities are taken care of in other fashions? If you don't think this is the case than please explain. People complain when there are too many positions, and people complain when vatusa tries to re-examine the structure to ensure all the positions have meaning and most importantly a purpose.

    So instead of saying what is wrong, why don't you attempt too find a better solution? Send it too me and ill be sure podner recieves it, or better yet send it too him. Having a position just to have one though does not make sense. I'm sure you agree no?

    I enjoy the reading gentlemen,

    Michael D. Hodge Jr
    VATUSA Training Services Administrator

  17. Mr. Hodge, we are STILL waiting for our fearless dicator to answer the four points he posted right after he took over. How is he going to increase vatsim traffic? How is he going to assure all controllers are qualified? First that is your job. And second, he did not do that at ZME. In fact from what I was told he was in violation of vatusa rating guidelines there. Third, and this shows he talks out of both sides of his mouth, he has stated to too many now that it is perfectly okay for ZLA to take the lenght of time to train that they do (excess of nearly two years) due to the "amount of traffic they have" BUT makes it clear that vatsim is not real and more of a game than anything else. He is no different than anyone other director with his "LA is different" attitude. But that is where it ends. Andrew is out of his league. He knows computers and statistics (what ever that means). Oh, he knows one other thing very well and that is; How to tell everyone what they want to hear. That he does excell at. As far as the rest of you are concerned? I am told you all had a field day behind Alex Bailey's back. To his face? I understand you were given ample opportunities to speak your mind but never did. Even leaving teamspeak to keep from saying anything. Yeah, that was great leadership alright. Too bad most of us fell for (some still are)the koolaid that was being dispensed a few months ago. No more.....

  18. Here's your response... I said that those were the 4 main ideas that would drive the decision making process. In other words when we adopt or revise a policy, how does the policy affect each of those 4 items?

    to address a few other items:
    ATD's: - I really am not cutting that position, period. NO ONE has even suggested it.

    ZLA - that version represents less than 1/2 of the conversation that was had about that and left out the part that one of the big reasons that high density ARTCCs have had training & cert times go up is due to the loss of peak/off peak. This is being looked at to find some sort of solution to an awful mess. So until we find a solution to that problem, what choice is there?

    ZME - Absoultely we violated the GRP. It was not intentional, but we did, and once this was brought to my attention on March 28th, 2009, it was promptly changed. If you are interested what we were doing was splitting up DEL, GND and TWR training into separate parts and certifying guys so they could get online sooner, pretty much what GRP2 will do.

    VATUSA2 - No less than 15 people were consulted on that issue, and the consensus was that there was no reason to put another person between the DD and ATDs; the ATDs of VATUSA are de facto Deputy Directors, and are afforded the latitude and authority to act as such.

    ZMA - Might want to check the facts on that one. ZMA is, in fact, planning their own event, we are not involved unless they ask us to be.

    Rob & the Website - Sorry, Rob did not give me the ideas, he singlehandedly designed the user interface, and did a great job. I did the backend coding, but what you actually see there is all his creation.

    Letting people do their jobs: You'll have to ask those around me about how I handle that.

    So there ya go. All in writing. Have a great day and look forward to seeing you in the virtual skies or on the scopes. Come see me sometime and talk to me, or send me an email, I'll put my thoughts in writing gladly. There's nothing to hide, no nuclear secrets, and all opinions are welcome, even those who are not happy with the way things are handled. Please do not feel as though it is necessary to be Anonymous on a blog comment, no one is going to hold it against you for having a differing view. I only ask that we treat each other with respect and courtesy.

  19. what a joke. If ZMA had not complained to "high heaven", that would not have been the case. You only put into writing what you think others want to read. As far as your last sentence; You will be treated the same way you have treated others. As far as your managing skills go? You couldn't manage to catch a cold.

  20. "Please do not feel as though it is necessary to be Anonymous on a blog comment, no one is going to hold it against you for having a differing view."

    Quite interesting and charming if I may say so myself. It's almost like a poet on a warm summer day. What an ass.

    It's only a matter of time before Andrew is canned. Ah yes ... that day will be a good day, a very good day indeed.

  21. I do believe Andrew has got some explaining to do.

  22. I've been reading up on this blog, pretty interesting. I guess people will bash whoever is in the driver's seat, nothing new.

    The comments regarding ZMA from these anonymous posts are true. VATUSA backed off once some people finally spoke up. As the former USA1 and a ZMA controller, I was disgusted to see what was potentially going to happen. I'm glad it was rectified, because ZMA was close to telling VATUSA where to shove it. I can't blame them after seeing the 10+ page document from VATUSA on how ZMA is to handle their operations, completely voiding the fact that ZMA has previously hosted a few Superbowl events with great success.

    As for removing the ATD position, let's not lie to everyone Andrew. If only I had recorded our talks in TS and on the phone where you agreed that they should go, but as the posts around here have stated, get it in writing or it never happened.

    Anyways, I really have no dog in the fight, but thought I'd at least counter some inconsistencies that have affected me directly.
