Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blowing my own horn!

Some of you may have heard by now via FaceBook, but I had my funding through the VA approved to go to flight school! I will be attending TransPac Flight Academy in Phoenix. I'll be leaving with a Commercial CFI CFII and MEI for all of your hard earned tax payer dollars. So, let me say THANK YOU to you, for helping my dreams come true! I am definitely very excited, and looking forward to getting back to Phoenix and getting started.

Now, here's the important part: None of this would have ever been possible without VATSIM, and the people who I met in VATSIM and have helped me along the way; Todd Cox, first and foremost for helping me get into the Navy, and helping me to understand that even at 27, I could become a Controller and affect a positive change in my life. Mike Hayden for encouraging me along the way and helping me to better understand ATC. I never would have thought that joining the Navy and becoming a Controller would be the pad that I needed to launch my dreams. Jason Vodnansky for helping me get involved and shape my leadership skills through various positions at Jacksonville ARTCC.

This is why I write this blog. Others need to know that VATSIM is a great organization, run by completely incompetent and ineffective people. The system is corrupt from the highest levels and organized to be a self-serving, self-empowering organization. This was not what the original Founders had in mind.


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  2. No anonymous personal shots about me.

  3. Congratulations!

    That's how I paid for most of my CFII, AMEL and ASEL Commercial tickets (MGIB). Not sure of your personal financial situation, but if you can afford to get a multi-addon to your PPL (out of pocket), it will pay HUGE dividends. You then do your full commercial program MEL, and are logging multi-PIC.

    If you want more specifics, shoot me an e-mail: I've been helping ex-military with 141/VA schools maximize their benefits.

    Have fun!
    -Dan Everette

  4. Dan...

    Thank you so much for your offer to help. I'll be touch closer to the end of summer to figure out the most effective way to maximize the tools provided. Again, thank you so much.

  5. That's funny, your own blog lists your occupation as FAA CTO, CFI, CFII, MEI, and you post in the VATSIM Forums back in 2005 that you were working on your ATP rating. An amazing feat indeed, since all you have his your student pilot certificate!!

    You can't even keep your lies straight anymore. Hilarious.

  6. Since I'm not actively controlling, does that make my CTO null and void, too? Does it make me a liar? I knew the ratings were going to happen, it was just a matter of how it was going to be funded.

    And, for the record, I'm still 7.3 hours short of the Private Pilot. Does that make me a liar, too?

    2005 and ATP? I was in the middle of a tour controlling at NAS Meridian in 2005. I was the ATM at ZJX with 1 of my staff members being a student pilot at NASMER. Prior to that, I was working for Jason Vodnansky who (is? might be?) an ATP rated pilot. How would I have made that claim when I was working with him directly? That allegation is merit-less without a link. And, needless to say, an absolute crock of shit.

    Lastly, come out of mommy's basement, quit hiding behind your monitor, and let your balls drop by not posting such lame bullshit anonymously.

  7. Sure, here's the link right here:

    Awfully hard to beleive you were working on your ATP some 4 years before you were issued your student certificate.

  8. "I am in the process of working toward my ATP pilot rating, and am in my final semester(s) at Embry Riddle with a degree in Professional Aviation, and ATC Management, with a minor in Logistics."

    THIS??? You say that THIS is what shows that I claim to be an ATP pilot? That was the plan. Unfortunately, life intervened and things changed. I'm not here trying to run for office. I'm not here in a popularity contest, either. Keep trying to show me as a liar and with poor character. Go ahead.

    I did not complete Embry. Does that make me a liar, as well?

    At least I've got the sack to say what I think in a public format without needing to hide who I am, feel guilty, or inauthentic. Some people actually NEED the anonymity to maintain their positions at VATSIM because they aren't allowed to speak freely without fear of retribution. You, you're just afraid of me, and what others might think of you for trying to dig shit up, just to dig shit up.

    But, like I said, I'm not here to try to get the hottest girl. I already got her. I'm not here to be the most well liked. It's just not that important to me. And I'm not here to run for office, or a VATSIM position, either. So my question IS:


    So, yes. I have tried, and failed A LOT. But at least I've tried. What are YOU doing with your life, aside from trying to dig up shit on me that's 5 years old?

  9. Bo,

    Don't worry about it. If the assclown is immature enough to resorting to digging up stuff from years ago, and posting anonymously, they need more coddling from mommy.

    Unfortunately I learned too late that VATSIM (the network and administrative structure) by itself is a joke and a failure on several levels. However, the rank & file people you meet are what make it special. There are still a few active members who I would do anything for (call me at 2 am, looking to get bailed out of some southeast Asian jail, I'll be on the next flight). Unfortunately many of the most qualified and experienced people that I learned from along the way have left (I wonder why).

    You're in a unique position right now, having not finished your PPL yet and are planning on using VA benefits for everything after. You need to start your overall financial planning now. In your situation, if you can afford the upfront cost, is this:
    - Complete you PPL
    - Get a multi-addon to you PPL (out of pocket)
    - Start your 141/VA training.
    - Do your entire instrument syllabus in a multi. The beauty of the VA, is they don't care what airframe you do it in, as long as it's on the school's VA paperwork as an approved airframe for training. You will pay more money, but with the 60% VA reimbursement, you're looking at two critical things: Multi time for about $100/hr, and something more valuable than an MEI... multi PIC time.
    - Do your commercial AMEL first, then get the ASEL add-on.
    - Do your MEI first, then do your CFI, then CFII.

    This will cost a bit more in the long run, but maximizes your VA benefits, and gets you the 2 things you'll need to get a decent teaching job (the ratings, and the multi PIC time).

    Also, VATSIM (if used correctly... i.e. flying in an ARTCC where the controllers have their act squared away and know what they're doing) will indirectly save you thousands on your instrument ticket. Again, you have to do it the right way.

    Good luck!

    -Dan Everette

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  11. J. Jason VodnanskyMay 7, 2010 at 6:48 PM

    Bo, as far as using benefits, Dan hit the nail on the head!

    As far as the rest, remember those days with Todd and Mike in JAX. Good times!!

