Thursday, April 29, 2010

Welcome the "NEW" VATUSA1!

Allow me to first thank the VATUSA Staff for their hard work during this time. They are an extremely cohesive and hard-working staff, and definitely kept operations on the tracks. Also thanks to the ARTCC staffs, from the ATMs all the way down. Training has continued, promotions have been made, and events are taking place. I do apologize again for the unforseen delays.

Your new Director requires no introduction. His credentials and experiences, both real world and VATSIM are vast, and having held the position before, this is nothing new to him.

Please welcome Gary Millsaps back as VATUSA1. I know he'll do a fine job.

Congrats Gary!

Bryan Wollenberg
VATSIM - North America Regional Director

This is awesome. Can't wait to see how this works out. Gary, I wish you the best. Once around wasn't enough, huh? Just remember what you said in TeamSpeak a few short months ago. ;) I sure do.


  1. This question was posed to me today in another topic, but it was relevant to this one, so I'll answer it here.

    Question: So Bo why aren't you being all vocal about the new VATUSA1?

    Answer: Because I'm applying for VATUSA2. :)

    Ok, all joking aside, there's little that I need to say to observe this play out. Things are what they are with the people involved, and bad blood doesn't just evaporate. It's not called a blood stain for nothing.

    2. I've had some good conversations with Gary. I respect his grit and stamina. Not sure I could deal with all that bullshit twice, that's for sure. I gotta admit, it's interesting to see someone step back into that position for a 2nd dose. It's the first time ever, so it'll be interesting to see how it goes.

    If I can give Obama a chance ( I need not say a word about that, and he pissed it away all on his own) I can give Gary a chance. I think that Gary is a smart guy. He knows what he's dealing with. And, if it blows up this time, Bryan will continue to look like a jackass, and we'll be back to where we started; looking for ANOTHER VATUSA1.

  2. Now, if we could just get the sorry sack of, err nevermind, Wollenberg to resign, VATNA as a region via VATUSA as a division, might actually make some progress! Hopefully he has a plan to deal with the "de-certifications" going on within the division the happened, and apparently continue to happen on Wollenberg's watch. Who is Wollenberg going to blame this time. He said himself that he was the acting Division Director while this was/is going on...
